What is Language Choice in Multilingual Communities?

Hi all.  How are you?  finally I write on this blog again and this time what I write here is a review of the material that my group and I have discussed about LANGUAGE CHOICE in Multilingual Communities (sources : https://youtu.be/CpSzrOXt8dY)

Happy reading..

so what is this? 

Multilingualism is the use of 2 or a lot of languages, either by a personal speaker or by community of speakers. While, Multilingual is Communities

A community that uses quite a language among a communities .

Code switch & Code mixing.

Code mixing is that the scenario during which individuals combine 2 or a lot of languages or language vogue within the human activity. While, Code switch may be a development which nearly happens in each place during which there's bilingual or trilingual society. Nababan (1993)

A preference between the words of 2 languages or varieties requires code mixing. Words area unit borrowed and adapted from one language in an alternative language and usually has no change of subject. In words, objects from one language area unit are used when another language is mostly victimized by a speaker. This term is sometimes found primarily in informal communication.

Types of Code mixing consists of two types, namely;

  • Intra-Sentential Code mixing

Within a phrase, a clause, or a sentence boundary, this kind of code mixture exists. 


The intake of Rami is "aam". 

Just the embedded 'aam' (Mangga, Hindi Lexical) 

  • Intra-Lexical Code mixing.

Within a word boundary that involves a pronunciation shift, this kind of code mixture occurs. For example, once Spanish words with Spanish synchronic linguistic structure are spoken, it happens.

Example of Code mixture.

Teacher: “Hasan, have you ever done your homework?”

Student: “Yes sir, saya sudah kerjakan my schoolwork.”

The reasons for the mixed code are to express cluster identity, quote others, talk about some explicit topic, for real lexical desires, to soften or amplify requests and to be able to be assertive about one thing.

While, Code switch is complex, idiom or talking practice or volatile language with a slot in the associate environment. In the context of one speech exchange, a speaker dynamic occurs once between 2 or a number of languages, or language varieties. Often, this word is primarily used in informal interaction or formal interaction.

There are 3 types of code switches, including:

  -Switch tag, is a phrase that must be defined in one language area unit and then entered into the reverse auditory communication in another language.


  Teacher: "Yes, that's an honest answer"

  The word "that's the honest answer" is often taken as a tag.

  -Intracentential switch, is a switch that occurs within a clause or sentence limit.  It will take forms like, dynamic code, mixed code, congruent insertion and lexicalization.


  Teacher: "I think it's an honest idea!"

  The word "that's an honest idea" is often taken as a tag.

  - Intentential switch, a switch that occurs between sentence boundaries where one clause or sentence is in one language and also the next clause or sentence is in an alternative.


  Teacher: “I promise to cheer you up for the rest of your life.  Would you?  "

  The words "I promise to cheer you up all your life" mark the main language, and "Will you" is the second language.

Example of Code switch

Student 1: “I raise you to place the pencil into the blue pencil box on the table, Ya lo hiciste (did you are doing it)?” 


Teacher: “I’m planning to browse the list of  your name, now, dengar namanya ya, Bagus!” 

Bagus: “Present sir! Hadir pak!” 

There are the reasons of Code switch:



Social reason 

To avoid misunderstanding 

To fill the gap in speaking 

Did not recognize nation word 

Bilingualism & trilingual

Two languages that area unit normally utilized in society. 

A Bilingualism Example 

When English executive department students speak to lecturers they use English, they usually use their mother language (vernacular) after acting with their oldsters, we prefer to relish once we we} with our friends who come back from completely different areas, we use national language and then on. Hence, each person is often bilingual.

Multilingual is a capability to use quite 2 languages in communication certainly purpose. 

Example : Singapore, the flexibility to shift from one language to a different is accepted as quite traditional

There is Chinesse, English, Indian, Malaysian

A trilingual example 

The area unit of students return from completely different regions that require them to use intelligible language after acting with others. However, the bulk of the Java, Jakarta, Sumatra, and Madura region units are scholars. Usually, it makes a lot of use of the Javanese, Jakartans, Sumatran people, and Madurese Language. They often mix or modify a language after they connect with each other.

Diglossia & Polyglossia

Diglossia : 2 distinct forms of a similar language utilized in the community with one considered a High selection (H) and also the alternative a coffee selection (L). 

Characteristics of High Varieties

Used for official and formal things. 

Used for writing and spoken in formal events. 

Learned in school. 

Technical and formal term. 

Characteristics of Low Varieties

Used for casual things and everyday speech communication. 

Mainly names of objects and everyday activities. 

Mainly spoken, (written in chat). 

Acquired reception. 


The situation wherever a community frequently use quite 2 languages.

Example of Polyglossia


“Panjenengan sampun dahar?”. 

1. accustomed talked to big person.

2. Formal scenario. 


“Sampean pun maem?”

1. accustomed talked to revered individuals (parents, or older individuals than us)

2. Formal/informal scenario.


“Koen/ koewesmangan?”

1. accustomed talked to United Nations agency area unit same position with United States of America.

2. accustomed talked to one who area unit younger than United States of America.

Language selection is triggered by factors like social rank , gender, academic attainment, ethnicity , age, occupation, rural and concrete origin, speakers, content, place, media, and ritual of the case. David (2006)

Consideration in Language selection

Socializing during a trilingual society.

In any occasion, raise the speakers to pick out what precisely language that might be spoken by the speakers. 

Every language should be revered


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