Have you been able to become a professional Teacher ?!

The teacher is a teacher of a science.  In Indonesian, teachers generally refer to professional educators with the main task of educating, teaching, guiding, directing, training, assessing, and evaluating students.

 Professional teachers are teachers who are able to educate their students into generations who are able to compete and have good morals, an educator should have good behavior that is able to be a role model that should be followed by students, teacher professionalism is very important for educators so that he is able to carry out their duties properly,  professionalism of a teacher is very important for students because teachers have a very heavy task in educating, directing and motivating students to become smart and moral students.  To achieve good educators, educators should be able to have good character as well.

 Characteristics is a good trait or character that must be owned or controlled by an educator to produce a generation of dignified and virtuous.  the intended characteristics are;

 1. Mastering the curriculum
 2. Mastering the material being taught
 3. Skillful using multiple learning methods
 4. Have a good behavior
 5. Moral (good behavior)
 6. Has discipline in the broadest sense
 7. Able to communicate well

 Being a good teacher in my opinion is the most important thing.  Therefore, as our dedication to the State, as a form of struggle against ignorance, right?  Because the teacher scored the nation's next generation.

 The idea of ​​becoming a "professional" teacher reaches out to so many different aspects of this diverse career.  Here are some things for you to consider in this descriptor.

  First, professional teachers maintain the confidence of students and their parents.  By law, teachers are prohibited from disclosing anything related to the performance of their students.  This sounds simple in theory but has proven difficult in implementation.  Should the teacher praise the student who got an A on the last test?  Should they record students who won 25 points on the last quarterly standardized test?  Should students with an average grade of A be able to choose preferential seats?  There are no concrete answers to this situation, so the teacher needs to assess each class of students individually to determine what possible benefits or harms can come from expressing unclear references such as how some students have done (and, therefore, how some  students not yet done).

  Second, professional teachers maintain a sense of authority and calm in all educational environments.  They see, act, and interact with respect and the ultimate goal.  They know when to do classes more informally and then be able to order students.  They don't waste class time and also don't allow students to take control of the class and waste class time too.

  Third, professional teachers know their students well enough to be able to change content when needed.  These teachers are connected to their students - not just the contents.  They realized, for example, that the student's brother had just been shot dead and quickly adjusted the planned curriculum for reading the Lord of the Flies during the class period.  They were aware of an accident involving friends of a student and did not show videos planned for World War II.  They know that a student in the elementary class does not quite understand the immortality of numbers and provides the student with different mathematical activities from the whole class.  They can adjust based on the needs of their students.

  Fourth, professional teachers know their content well.  This does not mean that they know all the answers, and they are also willing to admit it and find additional resources when needed.  But in the classroom, they are most often competent resources, filling teaching time with interesting content that involves everyone from visual learners to kinesthetic.  Students know that their teacher is able to convey instructions well.  Professional teachers take complicated subjects and make them look easy.

  Fifth, professional teachers build authentic relationships with students and their student parents.  They spend time to find out what motivates their students - far beyond the interest survey at the beginning of the year.  They build a curriculum based on this knowledge and allow students to make their own choices about how and what they want to learn.  The teacher helps students feel valued in their own educational process and engage in meaningful conversations about things that motivate them outside the classroom.  They value the diversity created by each student in the class and use that knowledge to create an environment that respects and supports the group.

  Sixth, professional teachers understand the pedagogy that comes to them.  They learn that there are statistics to support every opinion and that, indeed, the philosophy of education swings to the left and then to the right again if they stay in the profession long enough.  With this knowledge, they began to rely on their own pedagogy.  They rely on the successful experiences they have built with former students as they form their views.  This does not mean that they never listen to new ideas and thoughts, but they learn that every new idea cannot be trusted or is based on certain school experiences with certain students in certain social contexts.

  Seventh, professional teachers openly value diversity.  They build it into their curriculum.  They openly acknowledge the strengths of various leaders in that subject or field, and they ensure that students, regardless of their abilities or religion or race, can see themselves as part of success stories that have been written in education through their content and experts are introduced.

  Eighth, professional teachers ensure students know that they are also still learning.  They share what they learn in their latest professional development.  They enthusiastically share articles that they find relating to the subject being studied and what they have learned personally, even as an expert in their field, from the article.  They are willing to say, "I don't know. Let's find that answer together."

  Professional teachers are those who are highly respected, because they are leaders among other teachers and among students.  And in my opinion the key to becoming a professional teacher is to be a patient teacher and also be able to understand and know all of its roles in its application in the school learning environment in educating the next generation.



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